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WTOO "patted" you ~ a new wave of all staff sympathy is coming!

" The annual Dragon Boat Festival is here 

It is like a boat carrying national culture and spirit

Along the long river of history, riding the wind and waves all the way

It entrusts the Daljia people’s expectations for reunion and a better life.

The fragrance of rice dumplings and wormwood floats in the air again

on this special day

WTOO prepared a party

    Celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with the Dalai Ladies

activity theme

"Bringing coolness in summer, Lean is powerful" theme activity (first issue)

Activity time

June 25, 2020


All Dal staff

     Dragon Boat Festival welfare

     Dragon dance performance

On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, in order to create a strong festival atmosphere, inherit traditional culture and convey humanistic care, WTOO

A dragon dance performance was performed for employees in the factory. The wonderful performance attracted continuous applause from the employees present.

            Send coolness and promote leanness

   Summer is coming, and the temperature is extremely hot. In order to further care for the employees, convey the company's care for employees, and promote a healthy and positive corporate image, we have launched an activity with the theme of "Send Coolness, Promote Lean" to provide relief to the employees who are working hard on the front line. To show the company's care, the company's manufacturing center management delivered cold drinks to employees and awarded lean production excellence awards on site, allowing employees to feel the company's care and make greater contributions in future work.

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