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Service and support

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
    Professional communication

    Provide 7x24 hours of service acceptance
    Offer customer service acceptance 24 hours a day. Users have several options for submitting the service declaration to the Customer Service Response Center, including phone, fax, mail, and email.

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
    Technical consultation

    A thorough technical consulting contact letter will be given to the user following the execution of the project contract. Throughout the whole warranty (maintenance) period, customers can contact us at any time by phone, fax, letter, email, or another flexible communication method.

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
    Regular return

    We often visit users to check on project implementation and after-sales maintenance, listen to their feedback, and assess the project as it actually stands. This information serves as a key foundation for our evaluation of the company's support staff.

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
    Onsite support

    When working on projects for our company, if a system malfunctions and cannot be promptly resolved by remote consultation, we will send an engineer to the site to meet the user's demands.

Contact Us

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

    Email: sales01@wtoo.com.cn

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

    Telephone: 0086-574-86567806

  • Ningbo WTOO Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

    Phone: 0086-574-86553993
